Relieve Back Pain and Increase Stability with Wall Squat Training from a Wilmington Chiropractor
Relieve Back Pain and Increase Stability with Wall Squat Training from a Wilmington Chiropractor

Relieve Back Pain and Increase Stability with Wall Squat Training
Probably the most common complaint we treat at our Wilmington, NC chiropractic office is back pain. Low back pain and middle back pain affects nearly 90 percent of people over the age of 30 at some point in their lives, with many of those people failing to find a treatment that works well for the long-term. Instead, they must take medication to relieve back pain, restrict physical activities and suffer a reduced quality of life.
What Causes Most Back Pain?
Major contributing factors to back pain are weak core and gluteal muscles. Gluteal muscles are the four muscles found in the buttocks that influence the mobility of your sacrum and pelvis. When these muscles become debilitated from lack of exercise, they make it hard for the back to remain free of strain, inflammation and pain.
When combined with tight hip flexors and tight lower back muscles, weak core and gluteal muscles produce "lower cross syndrome." To prevent development of this syndrome and keep your back in great shape, there is no better exercise than the simple wall squat.
Instructions for Performing the Wall Squat Exercise
To begin, here is a great example of a person who truly needs to do wall squat exercises. In fact, I can find no better example of poor posture than the young woman who appears in the video below.
Before she performs the wall squat, notice her poor standing posture-extreme forward head posture, hanging shoulders and swayed lower back. Typical of a person with lower-cross syndrome, this posture is pretty common to those suffering chronic lower back pain as well.
Now, notice the posture transformation that occurs when she performs a proper squat. This shows why learning how to squat properly can help relieve lower back pain. Squat training properly helps strengthen the gluts and core muscles while stretching the lower back and hip flexors.
How Many Reps?
The number of reps you perform is up to you. Personally, I do about two sets of 12 to 15 quality reps. You want to maintain control of your body so do them slowly. If you want to do this as your entire workout, that's fine, too. However you may want to eventually add some weight to your routine, like they do in the video.
If you have any questions about this exercise or any other exercises for back pain, I will be happy to discuss your concerns in more detail at your next appointment. Or, you can send me an email.with your questions and I would be happy to answer them.
Chronic back pain should always be evaluated before beginning a physical exercise regimen. I only prescribed exercises such as wall squats once a patient is under my care.
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
King Chiropractic Hand & Foot
6934 Market St
Wilmington, NC 28411