King Chiropractic Hand & Foot Blog

Try These 3 Things Next Time You Get A Headache from a Wilmington Chiropractor

Try These 3 Things Next Time You Get A Headache from a Wilmington Chiropractor

Try These 3 Things Next Time You Get A Headache from a Wilmington Chiropractor Try These 3 Things Next Time You Get A Headache Some people get headaches only on occasion, while others have them frequently. Whether you are a frequent headache sufferer of it only happens once in a while, you’ll be glad to…

Wilmington NC Chiropractor – How Dr. King is Different  from a Wilmington Chiropractor

Wilmington NC Chiropractor – How Dr. King is Different from a Wilmington Chiropractor

Wilmington NC Chiropractor – How Dr. King is Different from a Wilmington Chiropractor Wilmington NC Chiropractor – How Dr. King is Different King Chiropractic Hand & Foot is a popular Wilmington, NC chiropractor for athletes and people that want the most out of life. Dr. King works hard to provide an environment of health, healing,…

Why Is Good Posture So Important? from a Wilmington Chiropractor

Why Is Good Posture So Important? from a Wilmington Chiropractor

Why Is Good Posture So Important? from a Wilmington Chiropractor Why Is Good Posture So Important? Remember Mom telling you to sit up straight? Mom was right (once again). Good posture feels good and helps avoid muscle strain, leading to better health. Added bonus: You look better, too. Good Posture Benefits Your Body Posture affects…

Tips for Staying Healthy During Summer Travel  from a Wilmington Chiropractor

Tips for Staying Healthy During Summer Travel from a Wilmington Chiropractor

Tips for Staying Healthy During Summer Travel from a Wilmington Chiropractor Tips for Staying Healthy During Summer Travel Summer kicks off the go-go-go season. Whether you’re on a plane, train or automobile for business or pleasure, more people jet set and road trip this time of year than any other. While we’re all for fun…

Tips for Buying an Ergonomic Office Chair  from a Wilmington Chiropractor

Tips for Buying an Ergonomic Office Chair from a Wilmington Chiropractor

Tips for Buying an Ergonomic Office Chair from a Wilmington Chiropractor Tips for Buying an Ergonomic Office Chair If you sit down to work, you may spend as much time in your office chair as you do in bed. And sitting up working is hard on your spine! An uncomfortable, unsupportive office chair creates strain…

Stretches to Prevent Text Neck and Rounded Shoulders from a Wilmington Chiropractor

Stretches to Prevent Text Neck and Rounded Shoulders from a Wilmington Chiropractor

Stretches to Prevent Text Neck and Rounded Shoulders from a Wilmington Chiropractor Play Video Stretches to Prevent Text Neck and Rounded Shoulders Do you sit 6 or more hours a day? These 2 stretches using a blank wall will help improve posture. Dr. King walks his patient, Jenna, who works on a computer at least…